Nourish + Reset Kit - Autumn 2024
*NOTE: This kit is for those already registered for the fall Nourish & Reset session.
If you haven't signed up and you'd like to, YOU CAN DO THAT HERE.
This is a complete, done-for-you kit and includes nearly everything you need for the practices for all 8 days, and the the non-perishable core cleanse food for days 4-6.
What’s included:
• Herbal abhyanga (massage) oil
• Herbal Nasya (nasal) oil
• Colon Clear (Energetix) capsules for digestive cleansing
• Digestive tea
• Divya's Detox Broth
• Ready to cook and eat kitchari pouches (x4) from Divya's Kitchen
• 1 x 8oz jar of ghee for cooking your kitchari
• Sacred Limpia Spray or Smudge bundle (based on stock)
*You will still need to shop for fresh/perishable ingredients